Toyota Mirai Leasing
Are you ready for this?... Our planet is! Here's the difference. The Toyota Mirai uses fuel cell technology. Unlike conventional petrol and diesel engine cars that emit carbon dioxide, the Mirai emits just water.
Water that is even pure enough to drink. Sounds like science fiction right? The technology is called a fuel cell. It takes hydrogen and oxygen from the air to then generate electricity which is caused by a chemical reaction. Cleverly, the hydrogen is then stored in tanks. The tanks can be filled in less than five minutes and give a range of up to 342 miles. Sure, the car looks a little different. But the future always looks different. The drive, driver and passenger comfort are composed and thoughtful. Infotainment, screens, gadgets and alerts will never leave you in the dark. There's a slight compromise on space in the boot to make way for the technology but nothing enough to steer you away from the car of the future. And just so you know 'The Mirai' - translates from Japanese to English as 'the future'. G2L believe the Mirai is a trail-blazer. The future is right here. Drive it.
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